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How To Properly Shock Your Pool

If you have a large family or like to invite the neighbourhood over for some pool time fun, you know that kind of use can really give a shock to your swimming pool.  To keep your swimming pool running smoothly, sometimes you have to offer up another form to shock treatment, a chemical shock.

What is pool shocking?

Shocking your swimming pool is another term for super chlorinating it, where you typically add 3-5 times the usual chlorine or pool chemicals in order to give it an extra boost in keeping the water clear.  During this shock period, the chemical levels are at a heightened state and help to rid your pool of unwanted bacteria and other organic pool matter. Every pool owner should be familiar with shocking their pool as it's an important maintenance step in keeping your swimming pool crystal clear, even after half the neighbourhood has been in it. However, a different kind of shock treatment is very necessary for your pool.

Shock the Chloramines

If you have a some seriously obnoxious odours in coming from your pool and people are compaining of skin irritations, you could have chloramines in your pool.   Chloramines are formed by the combination of chlorine molecules, ammonia, and nitrogen compounds.  The chloramine is now, as opposed to the chlorine you originally put into your pool, rendered useless, with much of its cleaning power gone. To eradicate chloramine, one must shock it, which means turning it into a gas.  This is done by oxidizing it.

Shock Treatments

Shock treatments are chemical compounds that are used as part of a routine maintenance plan for your pool.  You typically will shock your pool on a weekly basis in order to rid it of unwanted bacteria. They come in several varieties, each with its use and niche. 1) Calcium Hypochlorite This slow-dissolving, high-chlorine-density shock is probably the most commonly used of all the varieties. When using calcium hypochlorite

  • dissolve in water before use—this prevents bleaching

  • add at night and wait 8 hours until swimming

2) Di-chlor/ granular chlorine While calcium hypochlorite is 65% chlorine, di-chlor is 60%.  The difference is that you can pour it into the water without pre-dissolving.  This shock treatment contains a stabilizer (if you want to know the technical stuff it’s cyanuric acid) to prevent evaporation of the chlorine. 3) Lithium Hypochlorite This one is made up of 35% chlorine, and is used in areas with high amounts of calcium.  This is a variety that doesn’t call for a pre-dissolve. Potassium Peroxymonosulfate This is different from all the above, since it’s actually a non-chlorine shock, and it’s for pools that use bromine.  This is a quick-results product—wait a mere 15 minutes.

Applying the Shock

1. Use a large bucket, filling it with a ratio of 5 gallons of water per pound of shock you intend to use.  These are typical ratios, check the instructions to be sure. 2. Wearing gloves and—ideally—protective wear, add the shock to the water 3. Use a stirring tool to stir the shock as it dissolves 4. Add this mixture to your pool, covering all areas. 5. Wait five hours before swimming.   Be sure to do this procedure at night, since the shock will do its work better when not being hit by the sun. Shocking your swimming pool on a regular basis is important to keeping to nice and clean all summer long.  If you have questions about choosing the right chemicals for your swimming pool, feel free to contact us here, we're happy to answer any questions.  We provide free shipping across Canada for swimming pool chemicals as well as hundreds of other pool and spa products.

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