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How To Lower The Alkalinity In Your Swimming Pool

If you notice your chemical balance is off, it could mean that your total alkalinity levels are off. There are usually two instances where your total alkalinity could be affecting your chemical balance: PH levels or calcium saturation index.

It is important to lower it to maintain the PH in your pool. High alkalinity levels could be the culprit of a high calcium saturation index, this could result in calcium scaling. Here is a look at how to lower the alkalinity in your swimming pool.

The Acid and Aeration Process

Adding acid lowers your total alkalinity and your PH. Aeration will continue raising the PH without affecting alkalinity.

  1. Add acid to lower your PH to between 7.0 and 7.2, which will result in also lowering your alkalinity. You can use a PH Reducer as well as muriatic or dry acid. Run the pump and test your PH levels about half an hour after adding the acid.

  2. Aerate until the PH levels rise to about 7.6. This is the only way to raise the PH without raising the alkalinity levels. Make sure your return is pointed up, allowing it to break the surface. Remember to aim for more small bubbles rather than larger bubbles.

  3. Repeat until you reach the desired alkalinity levels. Remember that it can take up to a few weeks depending on how much work is needed.

If you need to lower the alkalinity in your pool, can help. With test kits and PH reducers.

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