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How To Make Your Pool Eco-Friendly

With so many people concerned about the environment these days, swimming pool owners will be glad to know they can help do their part by making their pools more eco-friendly. These are a few tips when it comes to conserving energy and cutting down on chemicals.

Saving Water

You use more water when cleaning your swimming pool if you’re discharging it at the same time. For example, if the bottom of the pool is heavily soiled you’ll likely have to drain a certain amount of water to effectively get rid of the dirt. If you try to keep the water clean with the right type and amount of chemicals and regular vacuuming it will save water since it won’t need to be discharged as often. You can help the environment by trying to balance the amount of chemicals used with water loss. While you don’t want to discharge water you also don’t want to use an excessive amount of chlorine etc. Some people see an ecological swimming pool as resembling a natural pond since it more or less regulates itself. Pool water can be oxygenated and cleaned naturally with the help of plants such as Canna and Typha. These plants have underground stems which are known as a rhizome and they help fight off algae while removing excess phosphates and nitrates from the water. In addition, you can keep your water from becoming too warm if the pool sits in the shade of trees. Eco-friendly pools are basically divided into two sections. One section is for water regeneration and consists of a plant filter along with stones and the other section is the swimming area. The pool can be protected with a plastic UV-resistant liner which is covered by earth. You’ll still need to remove leaves from the water, but it can be cleaned with organic materials.

Heating and maintenance

There are several ways to take care of a pool and heat it efficiently while cutting down on the use of chemicals.


While placing chlorine in the water is an excellent way to kill bacteria it’s not really an environmentally-friendly substance. Chlorine can be found in liquid, tablet, and pellet form, which makes it quite convenient to use. However, too much chlorine can irritate your skin and eyes and if you have sensitive lungs it can also cause respiratory problems.


A more environmentally-friendly alternative to chlorine is to replace it with a salt system. This may seem expensive when installing it, but you’ll save money in the long run since salt is able to produce chlorine. As well as cutting down on your costs salt is healthier for your skin. Modern salt systems are quite advanced and are able to clean and monitor themselves. However, there is a downside to using salt as it could possibly leak into the pool’s drainage system and the soil while backwashing and/or draining the water. If there is an excess of calcium it could contaminate and corrode water reservoirs.

Silver and Copper Ionizer

An ionizing device can be installed between the pool’s sand filter and its backwash. This contraption is designed to produce silver and copper ions and release them into the water. The copper ions are able to fight against algae growth while the silver ions destroy viruses and bacteria. This is another fine eco-friendly-option since it doesn’t affect a swimmer’s skin and eyes or the environment. A small amount of chlorine will need to be used with this system, but you’ll only need to use between 10 and 30 per cent of the normal dosage.

Ozone Generator

An ozone generator converts the molecules of oxygen into ozone and it’s able to disinfect the water. Normal water movement then converts the ozone back into the oxygen. Since oxygen is known to be harmless for the environment and humans it’s the most-eco-friendly method of cleaning the water. Just be aware that daily maintenance is required with an ozone generator. In addition, the life span of ozone is relatively short so you’ll need to add a small amount of chlorine to the water.

Solar Heating

Heating a swimming pool can be quite costly and that’s why a solar water-heating system is an attractive eco-friendly alternative. A solar water heater is inexpensive to operate, maintenance-free, and clean and quiet. You will need to use solar panels to transfer the sun’s heat to the water that’s returned to the pool. This system utilizes a temperature regulator and it’s also a good idea to keep the heat in the water by covering it with a solar blanket when the pool’s not in use.

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