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5 Above Ground Swimming Pool Equipment and Maintenance Tips You Need to Know

Spring is here, and the weather is finally warming up. It’ll soon be time to open up your swimming pool for the year. This is best done sooner rather than later to avoid problems such as algae buildup. Chances are, you will need some new above ground swimming pool equipment to repair any problems that have occurred over the winter. Generally, even a properly winterized pool will have some issues after winter. There are a few things you need to check on, and some repairs you may need to do. Different problems require different tools, and it is important to know what equipment is needed. Here are five important steps to take when opening your pool.

1. Clean up the Mess

Now that the snow has melted, you will probably see some branches, leaves, and other elements around your pool and on your pool cover, as well as in your yard as a whole. The last thing you want is dead leaves and debris blowing into your pool, so it’s a good idea to clean up your entire yard before opening the pool. You will also want to store your pool cover. Make sure to clean it well and dry it before storing it to avoid water damage. You won’t really need any specific above ground swimming pool equipment for any of this. A hose and a garbage bag are often all you need.

2. Inspect your Pool

The cold weather can lead to quite a few problems that will need fixing. You should check out your pool for signs that need repair. Mold or mildew is the best indicator, and others include cracked or chipped tiles.

3. Get All Your Equipment Together

Before starting the process of opening your pool, you should make sure that you have all the above ground swimming pool equipment you need. Also, make sure to check out your pool systems for damage before installing anything. Specifically, you will want to make sure your basket strainers aren’t cracked, you don’t have any leaks near wires, and that your filters aren’t worn out. Check that your pool lines aren’t clogged.

4. The Cleanup Process

There’s no escaping pool maintenance and cleaning. You will need certain above ground swimming pool equipment for this task, including a pool brush and automatic pool cleaner to get rid of the dirt and mold in your pool. You should also use a skimmer net to get any floating debris in your pool out since it can damage your filter system.

5. Finishing the Reopening

Now it’s time to finish up. Add water up to the regular level in your pool. Swap out the winterizing plugs in the pump, filter, heater, and chlorinator with regular drain plugs and lubricate your O-rings, replacing ones that are cracked or otherwise damaged. Then, open the return side valves in your pool. The last piece of above ground swimming pool equipment you need is pool chemicals to clean your water and maintain the right level of acidity. You should shock your pool more than once in order to make sure that the water doesn’t have bacteria or algae left in it.

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